90 Minutes


Sometimes, when you’re on the surface, it’s a wild place. The tides are moving in and out. The waves are churning and crashing on the shore. There are birds flying about and squawking. There’s weather – clouds, wind, the occasional squall. There are boats and surfers and children swimming.

There’s a lot of motion, a lot of stimuli, and a lot going on – and it’s hard to attend to all of it at once. Sometimes, we lose focus and a wave sneaks up on us and tosses us for a ringer.

The surface of the ocean, with all its activities and demands on our attention, is daily life. Sometimes we need to get up above our daily life and get new perspective on where we are at so that we can decide where we want to go.

Other times, we need to dive beneath the surface and poke about a bit to see what’s there, to employ our curiosity in the service of exploring what’s right for us.

The world looks different beneath the surface of the sea – the reef, the light, the land, the feel of the water is distinct from our experience on the surface. It invites us to look at our life and location in new ways – to get out of our heads and into the world and to embark on an adventure of “life experimentation” to test our way into an integrated and fulfilling life.

Taking the time to ask the question, “How can I test my way into the vision I have for my life?” and to design life experiments to try on your insights, helps you refine and live into your aspirations and calling.


A “Go Below” Session is for you if…

You are ready to experiment in your career, relationships or life in order to figure out what you really want or are called to.

You have a pretty clear picture of what you want in a certain area of your life but aren’t quite sure how to make it come alive, though you are certainly driven to.

You’re a little skeptical of yourself and want to make sure that what you think you want is actually what you want…’cause sometimes it hasn’t been.

Rather than sit and think more about your vision, you want to get out in the world, pressure test and refine it through action, but you aren’t sure how to do that.

You’re insatiably curious, love to learn and try things on. In fact, you’ve tried to set goals for yourself, but the goals seem to get really big really fast (because you’re ambitious) and you ultimately find yourself overwhelmed by where to start.

You sense you need a thought-partner to help you prune the mental chia pet that’s growing in your mind, focus your attention and prioritize your “life experiments.”

You’re looking for clear priorities and actions you can take to make your life, career, or relationship vision come alive, broken down into manageable chunks that build forward and a champion and challenger that will hold you accountable for moving from ideas to action.

And that’s what you’ll get out of a Go Below Session.


You’ll pick an area of your life that you’d like to “experiment” in – could be your career, your relationships, your leadership, or something else.

I’ll act as a guide by your side, helping you get out of the mindset of “get it right, get it done” and into the mindset of “life experimentation.”

Together we will get clear on what you want to test in your life and craft a “learning question” to orient you.

Then we’ll design 1-2 meaningful yet “right-sized” life experiments for your to “try on.”

Finally, we’ll get clear on what “data” you’re collecting through your experiments and how you can use that data to inform your next steps.

You’ll leave with a sense of clarity and possibility, ready to take action and test yourself into the intersection of your aspirations and calling.

90 minutes, we meet via phone, $295.

Click the link below to complete your payment via Stripe (our secure payment system).

From there, you will be automatically directed to my calendar to schedule your session. If you have any questions, please email me at:

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"When I started working with Alice, I felt “stuck”, limited, and afraid, but I didn’t know why or what I wanted. Thinking and trying to "solve" my situations with the tools I had didn't make a difference. There was something about how Alice held space for me that made me feel like it was okay to not know; we could understand what was happening together. I feel proud of my journey in coaching. I now see myself as a whole, complex, multi-dimensional human who doesn’t get it “right” all the time or need to “be” a certain way. I am evolving, learning and shedding constantly. I realize that the conditions outside of myself may not change, but the way I see myself and my role in the world can shift my perspective and open new possibilities to explore. And I’m excited about those possibilities!"
Allison Holton
Chief of External Affairs / Making Waves
"Alice has coached me for 5 years now, through times of immense change in my personal and professional lives. She has helped me adapt to changes, seize opportunities, get out of my comfort zone and explore new ways of interacting with the world. She gives me a safe and judgement free zone to reflect on my experience, identify learnings, and take action, and I leave our sessions feeling calmer and more sure of myself. I've learned faster and matured further with her support."
Caitlin Pomeroy
CEO / Manage America
“As a result of working with Alice, I'm more comfortable with myself as a leader. I show up in spaces differently and am better at leading. I listen and monitor myself better. I ask better questions and am much more mindful.”
Josh Bobbitt
Learning Designer / Teach for America
"Alice has been both a personal inspiration and an invaluable thought partner to me as I chart my career. As a woman of color in a largely white field, I've had to navigate a number of unpredictable challenges, changing circumstances and difficult transitions. Alice's coaching and thoughtful reframing have been integral to my progress - whether with planning a team meeting or learning to ask for what I need to do my best work. Her constant prodding on what matters most to me has made my work more meaningful and authentic."
Neha Singh Gohil
Program Office / The Hewlett Foundation
"Alice centered me as a whole person in all of my identities - as a professional, a mother, a woman, a person of color, a partner, a friend. She helped me excavate and examine the limiting beliefs that were holding me back subconsciously from living into the fullness of all my identities. I'm clearer and more empowered professionally and personally and am in contact with my own resilience and strength. The hustle and bustle of my life hasn't changed, but who I understand myself to be has fundamentally shifted."
Helen T.
Director of Operations
"Working with Alice has been personally and professionally transformative, not to mention joyful. Through reflection, healing, and exercises, I've become more self-aware, more capable of leading from a deeper place of my core being, more intentional, and better equipped to manage and lead with spiritual integrity."
Rabbi Dr. Shumly Yanklowitz
Founder & Executive Director / Valley Beit Midrash
“Through coaching I learned to take a thoughtful and intentional approach to decision-making. Many factors (family, external expectations, pride, etc.) used to prevent me from doing this. Coaching helped me become aware of how and why I make the decisions I do. Now I make more empowered choices about what I want and how I show up as a leader and a person."
Karina Macias
Recruiting and Talent Operations / Nova Credit
“Alice holds you gently yet firmly accountable for what you say you’re going to work on. Her coaching worksheets, synthesis of each session, and availability in between sessions kept me motivated and on track. Now I trust in myself so much more, I know where I am going in life, and I have a much better mechanisms in place to deal with “curveball” situations.”
Sarah Grady
Program and Grants Manager / Silver Giving Foundation
"When I started working Alice, I was underwater - unhappy, unclear of my future, & overwhelmed by potential paths. I wanted to figure out what my "life plan" was. Through working with her, I learned I don't need a plan for everything before I get started doing something & that I can take small steps towards a path I might want as a way to understand if I really do want that & to discover what's next. Alice helped me develop mindsets & tools to experiment by way forward. When I finally quit my job, it felt like the next right thing rather than a huge risk. Because of our work together, I am more confident, know myself better, & feel like I can figure things out as they come rather than need to figure them all out at once."
Nicoll Mischel
Student Success Coach / Guild Education
"Alice did an amazing job helping me to surface my values and guide me in living them out both in my personal life and work life. She helped me ask the right questions at the right time, helped me to step back and understand what is within my power, and showed me how I can design my life to really take into account what I want. Through our work together, I negotiated a sabbatical for myself, took some time to travel the world, found my next dream job and started a family. Alice has been instrumental in helping me bee the driver of my own life."
Awara Mendy Adeagbo
Associate Partner / Promise Venture Studio
“Alice models the power of storytelling and its ability to build bridges across lines of difference really well. I have leveraged that skill from her in many other areas of my life, both personally and professionally.”
Ashleigh Collins
Dean of Academic Programs / Relay Graduate School of Education
"Alice’s leadership development cohort was the most transformative learning experience of my career. Due to Alice’s expert facilitation, I became a stronger leader from inside out. I learned how to tap into my inner wisdom and get honest about what was holding me back. Alice brings unmatched rigor, humor, empathy, equity, and wisdom to every one of her learning experiences."
Rupa Rihan
Founder / Rupa Dev Rihan Consulting
"So much of the leader I am today - both professionally and personally - has developed through my relationship with Alice, with her deep empathy, powerful listening skills and just real belief in who I am. At one of the real low points in my professional career, Alice coached me to find my personal power, helping me see the agency I had in both creating the situation and in finding a new path forward that felt aligned to my personal values. Through my work with Alice, I've confronted some hard truths about how I show up in the world and feel ever more resolved in my purpose moving forward."
Sammi Phillips
Organizational Development Consultant / Deloitte
"Alice is one of the most transformational leaders you will ever meet – she has helped me become a much more effective leader and a better person. Her ability to see what is needed for both individual and organizational transformative change and to make action plans to get there is unparalleled. She helped the team at Mindful Life Project take our organization to the next level culturally and practically at a crucial moment in our growth cycle. I highly recommend her for any organization, company, or individual in need of transformative change!"
JG Larochette
Executive Director / Mindful Life Project
"With Alice, I was able to identify some of the common stories that I have allowed to hold me back professionally and personally and she helped me live in a way that is more aligned with my values and beliefs. I really appreciated that Alice never let me off the hook – she didn’t let me take the easy way out but instead pushed me to think about things in new ways. I would highly recommend working with Alice if you are ready to figure out what you really want out of life and are not afraid of looking at yourself and your actions though with a critical yet loving eye."
Dominique Turrentine
Manager of Strategic Initiatives / Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
"Working with Alice took me from a place of overwhelm and confusion to a place of clarity and excitement for what's to come in my career. Alice not only helped me to define my career values, goals, and dreams, but also helped me to identify blocks within myself that have prevented me from achieving all that I have wanted in the past. I would highly recommend her to anyone who has ambition and drive, but is lost on how to best channel it."
Emily Smith
Founder / Weekday Remedy
"Working with Alice is like constructing a fabulous story – she listens carefully and helps weave together the stories I am telling myself with bits of wisdom and love-based truth to help me construct a more workable narrative. Alice sits with me in beautiful and uncomfortable realities, helps me imagine possibilities I can’t yet see, and pushes me to action so I can clearly direct my intentions and energy."
Jennifer Mayer Sandoval
Founder & Principal Consultant / Becoming Better Together