I’ll return to my love of creating intentional community and stewarding group spaces and stand up some offerings that center consistent themes from my 1×1 coaching work – questions about the role of work, rest, and play in our lives, how we work with emergence and complexity, connect with intuition & use our voices, how we shed & come into new aspects of ourselves, how we live into meaning & purpose in our lives, how we embody and navigate power, steward resources, build community, make a contribution, and learn, unlearn, heal, grow, create the world as we aspire for it to be while living daily in the world as it is.
Finally, I’ll try on centering play and elevating the “wisdom of adjacent spaces” in my coaching and support work. Sometimes I notice us being narrow in our understanding of what can teach us about what. We think that learning needs to be serious in order to be rigorous. We think that to become more effective leaders we need to listen to podcasts on leadership and read books on communication and strategy. Certainly these things can be helpful, AND also what if learning could be delightful? What if insights that make us better in one discipline could arise from a completely unrelated one – maybe even from a discipline we absolutely love and adore? What if singing could teach us to speak up at work? And dancing could make us better collaborators? And knitting could teach us patience and attention to detail? And k-dramas could enhance our mental health? And surfing could show us how to ride the waves of life? Art, design, athletics, travel, nature, animals, my day-to-day interactions with family and friends – these have always been some of my best and most joyful teachers and arenas of practice. I’m excited to try on creating experiences where we center play and look for leadership insights in unconventional places.