Find your way forward in community with fellow wayfinders.
The world is your classroom. Your life is your lab. Build your own curriculum.
I help people & organizations weight train for 21st century life. I design and facilitate engaging, practical & accessible learning experiences – workshops, retreats, & programs – that help people navigate personal & professional inflection points so that they can move through the complexity & ambiguity of modern day life with a like minded community and a greater sense of confidence and ease.
All of my workshops, programs and retreats:
- Help you know yourself better and have greater empathy for & awareness of others;
- Are experiential, interactive & geared towards multiple learning styles and will have you reflecting, dialoguing, coaching, and creating in a variety of different ways;
- Contain content that you apply to both your workplace and homespace;
- Give you concrete language & tools you can apply in your personal & professional life tomorrow;
- Provide space for you to work on real times challenges & opportunities;
- End with concrete actions to take & experiments to run moving forward;
- Support you to communicate more effectively and work better across lines of difference;
- Develop 21st century mindsets and skill sets that will allow you to navigate complexity, ambiguity, & busyness more effectively